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Raccoon Depot Services

Every business starts with a good idea and every great project starts with planning.

Raccoon Depot team offers all cycles of digital business creation – from consulting and prototype creation to development and marketing support of projects.

Raccoon Depot Services

Consulting and R&D

First of all, we define the goals of the project and the target audience. 

We will help you find answers to the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • How will they interact with your web site or application?
  • What trends are applicable for your business or project?
  • What technologies are optimal in your case?
  • How to make a technical description correctly?



Everybody loves beautiful pictures, and before your potential customer starts to read the text, he/she will evaluate your design. That’s why the Design, User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) are so important nowadays. 

The best practice of the design stage is to create a website or application prototype in order to visualize a product before the development stage. The designed prototype could be tested on focus groups or potential clients, and it provides you with an opportunity to implement changes easily and cheaply at this stage.

Also, we offer the graphic design and branding for your company, project or others. So, your business can boast the best new look in all areas.



Developing with us, you get quality. We prepare the product and make it optimized for search engines, so you can start engaging organic traffic soon.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with ready designs. We are open to development on such terms as well, and if we see that any improvements can be added to design, we communicate it to you.

Raccoon Depot team offers two types of development:

  • Web Development – as usual we use Winter/October CMS and TYPO3 CMS, but if they don't cover the needs of the project other CMSs, frameworks or technologies can be used. 

  • Mobile development – we use React Native (open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook, Inc) or Flutter (open-source UI software development kit created by Google). 


Marketing and Support

Your product or service might be the best in the world, however it doesn’t matter when nobody knows about it.

That’s why Raccoon Depot team proposes the Digital Marketing Support packages for your web products:

  • SEO (search engine optimization) – key phrases, meta data, content improvement, cookie policy, robots.txt, sitemap and others. 

  • PPC (pay per click) and advertising – the advertising on Google AdWords (+ YouTube), Facebook Ads (+ Instagram) and LinkedIn Ads. 

We can support you with each one, delivering a high quality product in appearance and content management.


Raccoon Depot
Address:Oleksandra Fredra Street, 6 79000 Lviv, Ukraine